Electricity Systems: Difference between revisions

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*'''Pecan Street:''' Disaggregated energy and water data, available [https://www.pecanstreet.org/dataport/about/ here] (requires login)
*'''United States Environmental Protection Agency's Air Markets Program data''': Datasets from the US EPA's emissions trading programs. For instance, the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System dataset (also available via the EPA's [ftp://newftp.epa.gov/DMDnLoad/emissions/ FTP site]) provides hourly emissions and generation for many fossil fuel generators in the United States. Available [https://ampd.epa.gov/ampd/ here].
* '''Utility Transition Hub™ Data''': Datasets on US-based utility finances, investments, operations, emissions and the utilities' alignment and commitments for the 1.5°C goals. Available [https://utilitytransitionhub.rmi.org/data-download/ here].
=== Europe ===