Contributing to the CCAI Wiki: Difference between revisions

(→‎Contributing: minor wording changes)
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=== Templates for New Pages and Sections ===
Once the page is created, we demand the pages to follow a specific structure. You canneed to create this structure manually by simply copying the headings from anothereither any other page or usingyou acan template.copy Templatesit arefrom specificeither keywordsthe that[[Template:Subpage|Subpage expandtemplate]] toor wikithe text[[Template:ApplicationArea|template for application areas]]. ForTo completedo pagesso, you can usesimply click "Edit Source" on the followingtemplate twopage, templatesthen highlight all text and copy it to createyour clip board and then click "Edit Source" on your newly created page and paste the headingscontent. asDouble-check demandedthat the correct headers have been created. automatically:
* '''<nowiki>{{Subpage}}</nowiki>''' for Subpages, and
* '''<nowiki>{{ApplicationArea}}</nowiki>''' for application area pages.
TheseNote, templatesthat include additionalthose templates contain tags that maycan beexpand to Wiki text. These are useful to indicate work in progress for pages or sections that are work in progress:
* '''<nowiki>{{Disclaimer}}</nowiki>:''' A note at the beginning to make sure people don't confuse CCAI Wiki with Wikipedia (or other Wikis), expanding to: {{Disclaimer}}
* '''<nowiki>{{Stub}}</nowiki>:''' A note for pages with missing content, expanding to: {{Stub}}
* '''<nowiki>{{SectionStub}}</nowiki>:''' A Note for individual sections with missing content, expanding to: {{SectionStub}}
ASuch templatea tag can be included as follows:
* In the visual WYSIWYG editor: Insert > Template > search “<Name of Template>” (E.g. "Stub") > Insert;
* In the source editor: Use the double curly bracket notation <nowiki>{{<Name of Template>}}</nowiki> (e.g., "<nowiki>{{Disclaimer}}</nowiki>")