Contributing to the CCAI Wiki: Difference between revisions

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This page provides information and resources needed to comprehend, comment on, and edit the Climate Change AI (CCAI) Wiki.
== The purpose of the CCAI Wiki ==
The Climate Change AI Wiki is a '''community-driven platform''' summarizing state-of-the-art knowledge and resources on various topics related to machine learning applications for tackling climate change. The wikiWiki is a place to learn about, share, and distill ideas related to climate change and AI, and we hope to grow it into an accessible and comprehensive resource for the community.
This can entail many different things, -- currently, most importantly, an overview of application areas for machine learning, background readings, online courses and course materials, lists of conferences, libraries and tools, datasets, and relevant groups and organizations. However, this list is not benecessarily exclusive!
Please remember that the CCAI Wiki is '''not''' intended to be one of the following:
*'''NOT: A general online encyclopedia''' on content related to machine learning or to climate change. There is already great free and other community content on Machinemachine Learninglearning/artificial and Artificial Intelligenceintelligence and Climateclimate Changechange atvia, for instance [ Wikipedia] and other resources. We aim to explicitly address the intersection of Machinemachine Learninglearning/artificial intelligence and Artificialclimate Intelligence in applicationchange-related areas related to climate change.
*'''NOT: An advertising platform'''. The CCAI Wiki aims to provide useful resources for people who want to do research or work at the intersection of Machinemachine Learninglearning and Climateclimate Changechange. In this role, we want to provide links to relevant working groups, research institutes, and companies. However, this is not a platform for blatant self-promotion. We welcome contributions such as links to relevant projects, survey papers, or institutions and companies, and it is appropriatefine if you are personally involved. However, these contributions must be provided within the appropriate context and are subject to discussion and review by the Wiki community.
*'''NOT: A soapbox''': The Wiki further is not meant to be a platform for advocacy, propaganda, or recruitment of any kind, or meant to host opinion pieces, position papers, or comments. The wikiWiki is intended to be written from a neutral point of view. Topics around both climate change and machine learning may be controversial. The CCAI wikiWiki aims to only briefly note or summarize such discussions and point to more readings on the topics.
*'''NOT: A news board'''. Compared to other CCAI activities, the Wiki aims to provide more long-term content. For short-lived resources, like events, job opportunities, see our [ Newsletter] or [ Forum].
*'''NOT: A plain link collection''': Each listed item should be provided in the appropriate context and should have a sentence or two describing its context.
== Community Guide LinesGuidelines ==
=== Code of Conduct ===
The Wiki is maintained by CCAI core team members and aims at building a community of moderators and editors. CCAI values an open exchange of ideas, freedom of thought and expression, and respectful science-based debate. As for other CCAI activities, this requires an environment that recognizes and respects every person's inherent dignity and worth. The CCAI [ community guidelines (or Code of Conduct)] outline operational standards and expected behavior throughout all CCAI activities, and therefore also apply for the CCAI Wiki.
Please read the rules regarding responsibilities & expected behavior. Most importantly, CCAI is dedicated to fostering an environment free from harassment, bullying, discrimination, and retaliation. Volunteers and community members alike should help cultivate an atmosphere for productive, creative exchange by following these guidelines. Note the possibility to "'report any concerns related to your interaction at CCAI activities to [].'"
If a participant engages in behavior that violates these community guidelines, CCAI retains the right to take any action deemed appropriate. In the context of this Wiki, this may lead to actions including but not limited to formal or informal private warnings, blocking of the user account, but also barring from future CCAI activities, andor exclusion from future CCAI opportunities and affiliated roles.
=== Guiding Principles ===
Generally, the Wiki is a place that cultivates the following guiding principles:
* '''Intellectual Diversity and Humility:''' The Wiki facilitates exchange between people with different backgrounds and areas of expertise. Please keep contributions focused on ideas and content relevant to the CCAI mission and treat others with respect in all interactions. When editing pages, remember that others might not share your jargon, may be unfamiliar with what you think is common knowledge, andor may not speak English as a first language. Be professional: don't make brash claims, do your homework, and avoid making unnecessary demands on others' time.
* '''Constructive Discussion:''' Contribute content that can support learning, solutions, and progress that could have real-world impact. Strive to develop pages that advance the discourse on climate change and AI. To that end, please don't use this Wiki as a political soapbox, for example, but do try to identify actionable ideas or great work and make them visible to the community.
* '''Scientific Integrity:''' The Wiki is designed to support an open exchange of ideas, and everything will be publicly visible on the web. Don't misrepresent your or others' work, do provide evidence to support all claims, and be sure to attribute ideas if sharing them elsewhere properly.
== Contributing ==
=== Overview of the structure of the Wiki ===
Unlike Wikipedia, thatwhich has no hierarchical structure, or no specific entry point, the CCAI Wiki is structured as follows:
* '''[[Welcome_to_the_Climate_Change_AI_Wiki|CCAI Wiki Welcome Page]]:''' This is the entry point to the CCAI Wiki. It gives an overview of the general structure of the Wiki.
* '''[[Welcome_to_the_Climate_Change_AI_Wiki#Topics_by_Application_Area|Application Areas]] and other top-level pages:''' The top-level pages are on the one hand (a) the [[Welcome_to_the_Climate_Change_AI_Wiki#Topics_by_Application_Area|Application Areas]], i.e., areas where machine learning can address climate change, thenand also (b) the [[Welcome_to_the_Climate_Change_AI_Wiki#Topics_by_Cross-cutting_Theme|cross-cutting schemes]], i.e., re-occuringrecurring topics that are part of several applications areas, and (c) the [[General_Resources|general resosourcesresources page]].
* '''Subpages:''' Each of these top-level pages may have several subpages. Note that this mustneed not be strictly hierarchical, as subpages may be cross-cutting schemes (e.g., [[Surrogate_modeling|Surrogate modeling]] is a subpage of [[Buildings_and_Cities|Buildings and Cities]]) or may occur on several pages (e.g., several pages are subpages of both [[Transportation]] and [[Buildings_and_Cities|Buildings and Cities]]).
=== How you can contribute ===
There are many different ways in that you can contribute:
* '''Share resources:''': You knowKnow a great resource that is missing? Then youYou expand a page by adding resources or references, or enhance the quality of existing resources. For example, do add relevant journals or conferences that you notice are not currently listed. When adding a resource, make sure to add a link and a brief description. This will ensure that readers will get an overview of many resources at a glance but can easily seek out further details if they find the description interesting. When adding a resource, make sure to maintain consistency in formatting. For example, if you notice that all previously added resources were in boldface font, make sure to stick to that.
* '''Improve content and clarity:''': Community wikis become more refined through many small changes contributed by many people. Do not hesitate to add a new piece of information or suggest a rewording that improves clarity. For example, if you notice that an idea is touched upon but not fully developed, a sentence or two of additional elaboration can improve the richness of the Wiki’s content. But youYou can also harmonize formatting or fix spelling and grammar issues. Or, there may be outdated content, like a preprint that is now a published paper, that you may want to update. Further, some content may not be out of scope for the Wiki (e.g., not at the intersection of climate change and artificial intelligence), and may need to be removed. Or if the content is too verbose, feel free to shorten text, remove resources, or add concrete examples to improve focus. If you notice something worth discussing, you may also want to join one of the [[Contributing_to_the_CCAI_Wiki#Community|community activities]].
* '''Identify and develop application areas:''': The current structure of the Wiki is based on the [ Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning] review paper. However, this field is moving fast, and there may be gaps and topics that are missing. Expand the Wiki by creating new pages on application areas, subpages within an application area, cross-cutting schemes, or other cross-sectional topics. For instance, within a general problem domain (e.g., electricity systems), there are often a few more specific subproblems of interest (e.g., supply and demand forecasting). These are typically linked from "Machine Learning Application Areas" sections on individual pages across the Wiki. We invite you to both add new application areas and develop the associated pages. See [[Contributing_to_the_CCAI_Wiki#Creating_a_new_Page|Creating a newNew Page]] on how to create a new page.
Don't worry about making mistakes. The CCAI wikiWiki uses an established Wiki software that saves the past versions of the page. Therefore mistakes can easily be corrected. If you have trouble correcting a mistake, reach out to [] with ‘WIKI’ in the subject line.
=== Creating an account ===
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=== Editing ===
Everybody can ''edit'' the CCAI wiki -- even without creating an account. However, only edits approved by ''moderators'' and ''maintainers'' are visible on the current version of the page. Maintainers are members of the [ CCAI core team]. MaintainersModerators are active community members that we have granted the right to accept changes. Do you want to become a moderator? Then see [[Contributing_to_the_CCAI_Wiki#Moderating|Moderating]].
To edit content, there are generally two ways to edit a page: The '''visual WYSIWYG editor''' and '''Wiki markup'''.
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=== Moderating ===
==== BecommingBecoming a Moderator ====
Moderators are trusted individuals, known experts in the field, friends of CCAI, or generally contributors with a good editing track record. Moderators can joinaccept discussions(or inchange ourand Slackrevert) Channelchanges (seeby other [[Contributing_to_the_CCAI_Wiki#Community|Community]])users. AsModerators get a moderator,"Wiki youModerator" canbadge bein listedour [ Wiki Community] on theCircles [[List_of_CCAI_Wiki_Contributors|Listand oflead CCAIdiscussions Wikion Contributors]]application areas. Do you want to be a moderator, and are you researching or working in the field of the intersection of machine learning and climate change, or are you just generally interested and motivated? Then sign up [ here] as a moderator, and we invitewill youcontact to our Slack channelyou.
==== Approving Changes ====
Moderators have the final authority on all decisions about content on the Wiki. For that, moderators can see the latest changes to a page via "View history" at the top of the page. This Review History page provides a tool to compare different edits by selecting two versions in the history (using the round tick boxes) and click "Compare selected revisions" to get a line-by-line comparison of the versions.
ModeratosModerators can then accept the edit by clicking ''approve'' or revert the changes by clicking ''undo''.
To see all the recent changes that happened in the Wiki, you may view the [[Special:RecentChanges|Recent Changes page]].
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=== Templates for New Pages and Sections ===
Once the page is created, we demand the pages to follow a specific structure. You canneed to create this structure manually by simply copying the headings from anothereither any other page or usingyou acan template.copy Templatesit arefrom specificeither keywordsthe that[[Template:Subpage|Subpage expandtemplate]] toor wikithe text[[Template:ApplicationArea|template for application areas]]. ForTo completedo pagesso, you can usesimply click "Edit Source" on the followingtemplate twopage, templatesthen highlight all text and copy it to createyour clip board and then click "Edit Source" on your newly created page and paste the headingscontent. asDouble-check demandedthat the correct headers have been created. automatically:
* '''<nowiki>{{Subpage}}</nowiki>''' for Subpages, and
* '''<nowiki>{{ApplicationArea}}</nowiki>''' for application area pages.
TheseNote, templatesthat include additionalthose templates contain tags that maycan beexpand to Wiki text. These are useful to indicate work in progress for pages or sections that are work in progress:
* '''<nowiki>{{Disclaimer}}</nowiki>:''' A note at the beginning to make sure people don't confuse CCAI Wiki with Wikipedia (or other Wikis), expanding to: {{Disclaimer}}
* '''<nowiki>{{Stub}}</nowiki>:''' A note for pages with missing content, expanding to: {{Stub}}
* '''<nowiki>{{SectionStub}}</nowiki>:''' A Note for individual sections with missing content, expanding to: {{SectionStub}}
ASuch templatea tag can be included as follows:
* In the visual WYSIWYG editor: Insert > Template > search “<Name of Template>” (E.g. "Stub") > Insert;
* In the source editor: Use the double curly bracket notation <nowiki>{{<Name of Template>}}</nowiki> (e.g., "<nowiki>{{Disclaimer}}</nowiki>")
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== Community ==
=== SlackCircle ChannelCommunity ===
If you want to discuss or follow discussions on the CCAI Wiki, join the [ Wiki Community] on the CCAI Circles platform!
Please fill out [ this form], if you are interested in moderating to the CCAI Wiki and we will invite you to our CCAI Wiki Slack Group to facilitate the discussion and to meet like-minded contributors.
If you are interested in moderating (get a Moderator badge in Circles!), please fill out [ this form] and we will contact you.
=== CCAI Wiki Community Meetups ===
To facilitate the discussion and to meet like-minded contributors, we will host biweekly CCAI Wiki Community Meetups to gather people that work on similar topics. We will announce those in the Slack Channel and the monthly CCAI newsletter.
=== Feedback ===
If you have any feedback or ideas on how to make this Wiki a more valuable ressource, feel free to reach out to CCAI (infoat [ with WIKI in the subject line)].
== Attribution ==
We provide a [[List_of_CCAI_Wiki_Contributors|List of CCAI Wiki Contributors]] that allows you to provide additional information about your and link your account to your real-world profiles and information, like your affiliation or social media.
=== List of CCAI Wiki Contributors ===
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[[List_of_CCAI_Wiki_Contributors|List of CCAI Wiki Contributors]]